Wednesday, February 24, 2010

All teachers fired at Rhode Island school

The school board in Rhode Island decided on firing all teachers at a struggling Rhode Island high school. They were all fired because the school board felt that the teachers werent spending enough time with students to improve test scores. A teachers union spokesman said that this is "drastic." I also agree that this is very drastic, all of the teachers should have been evaluated because I'm sure it wasnt all of the teachers werent neglecting the children.
All teachers fired at Rhode Island school

Friday, February 19, 2010

Issue #3- Social Insecurity

Social Security today is soon going to be spending more then we are taking in, President Bush has proposed many options to fix this one being private investment accounts. Many feel that dramatic changes need to be made to keep our government strong. The Social Security system is going bankrupt and making our economy very weak, if it is not overhauled we will run into very large issues including cutting benefits for everyone except for those Americans who really need it. Some Americans believe that the system remains strong and that future short falls can be avertede. These supporters say that we can make some small changes to fix these problems by raising the caps on earning that can be taxed and also gradually raising the retirenment age.

I believe that we will need to make dramatic change to fix this because if we dont we will become a weak country. We need to start doing things to fix our issues now, if we wait too long it will be too late to fix this. We will fall in to debt and more then likely wont be able to get out. Joe Biden has the same view on this issue that I do, here is an article showing this. We need to make changes such as raising taxes and raising the retirement age gradually. Although I see how some people could say we might make it with just small changes but with these little changes I dont see how this could do alot. This is a tough topic in todays society, by the time I am old enough to get social security there wont be any funds left.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jaycee's Journal

Jaycee Dugard was held captive for 18 years, Jaycee was kidnapped when she was 11 years old from the street in front of her house in South Lake Tahoe, California and wasnt found until she was 29 years old about 120 miles away. Jaycee mothered 2 daughters, both her abductors. She grew up in a fort in the backyard of Phillip Garrido's house. While in captivity she wrote a journal, in this journal she wrote about how she yearned for freedom. She wrote of how she wanted to just tell Phillip that she wanted freedom but she wasnt sure how to tell him. She was strong throught the years and raised her daughters to the best of her ability. She is now safely with her family, although there where abouts are being kept a secret I'm sure she is more happy with them then she ever was in Phillip Garrido's backyard prison.
Jaycee's journal

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Millennium bomber' sentance overturned

Today the 'Millenium bombers' 22 year sentance for an attempted bombing of the Los Angeles Airport in 1999 was overturned so prosecuers could seek out a longer sentance for the crime. It was proved that a lower court did not use federal sentancing guidlines when giving Ahmed Ressam the 22 year prison sentance.The federal guidelines indicate that he should have received 65 years to life in prison according to the U.S. attorney's office. In my view this is the lower courts fault because they should have followed the federal sentancing guidlines. The judge who handed out the original sentance should get some sort of disiplinary action taken towards him for handed out the wrong sentance.
Millenium bomber sentance overturned