Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are you ready for the big internet crunch?

Some estimate that by September 2011 the last large batches of addresses will be issued, meaning that months after that date there will be no new addresses available. The internet will begin running out of "IP addresses", the unique code used to provide access to the internet. Soon the internet will not be the ever expanding thing as we saw it before. This will make it harder for new devices to be able to connect to the internet, or create new websites. I feel that we had to have known that eventually this would happen. It shouldn't really be such a shock with all of the websites and PC devices out there so far. More and more technologies are coming out each year.
Are you ready for the big internet crunch?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Florida officials hope oil spill fears won't keep tourists away

Florida fears that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will scare off tourists in Panama City. Dan Rowe of the Panama City Visitors' Bureau says that he has been getting calls from people whom frequently visit Panama City, they are wondering about the conditions of the water and if it will be safe to travel there. Tourism is the largest industry in Panama City. "We'll get through the oil spill," Rowe said. "There's no oil on Panama City Beach or any of the beaches in northwest Florida."
I personally hope that the oil spill doesnt reach the beaches of Florida. It wouldnt be good for the economy there and it is the place that I will be vacationing this summer.
Florida officials hope oil spill fears won't keep tourists away.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Iraq says it detained al-Qaida militant suspected of plotting attack on World Cup

Iraqi security forces now have a militiant in custody, this militia was created to attack at the World Cup next month in South Africa. A officer in the Saudi army has been said to be the "brain" behind this terriost act. It is said that he is also suspected of committing several attacks in the capital or Iraq and else where in the country. In Iraq, attacks blamed on al-Qaida have continued despite the killing last month of the group's two top figures in a U.S.-assisted military operation. The South African police say that they have not been notified of any arrests made.
Iraq says it detained al-Qaida militant suspected of plotting attack on World Cup

Getting a leg up on alcohol scofflaws

Hennepin County has now introduced a new device which will help stop alcohol offenders stop drinking and committing crimes involving alcohol. This device is called a transdermal alcohol detector, it detects alcohol in sweat. Although there have been some false calls due to perfume or other alcohol based products this has already caught 16 people who were not supposed to consume. When the device detects alcohol it sends a signal to police alerting them at which point the person is brought it and must undergo a breathalizer test. This is also used as a house arrest anclet and alerts the workhouse if the person leaves there house or attempts to take it off.
Getting a leg up on alcohol scofflaws

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pope: Sex abuse scandal 'terrifying'

Pope Benedict XVI spoke out on the sex abuse scandal saying that the reality of it is "terrifying." Hundreds of people came out and said that they were sexually abused by priests or other catholic authorities. I believe that this is rediculous, these are supposed to be people that you can trust. I wouldnt be able to trust anyone who has been accused of these horrible things.
Pope: Sex abuse scandal 'terrifying'

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jobs and Welfare; Boosting the Minimum.

Minimum wage is set up to ensure that people are making enough money to live off of. Although this isnt always true, people don't always have enough hours at their jobs to get the money they need to survive. Many people in the U.S. today have to get on welfare because the jobs we provide don't provide enough hours at these jobs. They think that the amount they pay us is efficient but again the hours we are getting aren't efficient enough. Outsourcing is also affecting the jobs us Americans have. A lot of Americans are suportive of protectionism to save jobs in the U.S.

I believe that minnimum wage should be increased in the U.S., it has become a very contriversal topic mainly due to outsourcing and globalization. Many of our jobs are being taken oversea's so you'd think the government would be able to pay the people doing jobs over here more. It seems that our governtment is becoming very cheap, they arent the one's who have to actually live off of minimum wage so it doesnt effect them as bad. Barack Obama believes that minimum wage should be raised.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

U.S airlines cancels Europe flights

There will be no flights between Europe and the U.S for the next couple days due to ash in the sky. This is all due to a volcano eruptions in Iceland on Tuesday. The volcano has already erupted twice and the skies arent clear enough for planes to travel safely between the two countries. A total of 21 flights were cancelled in and out of the U.K.
U.S airlines cancels Europe flights